Equipment Funding Opportunities
Visit the links below to find federal funding opportunities for equipment and instrumentation grants. Some of these links may change as programs open annually and may be past the deadline for the current year.
Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) supports university research infrastructure essential to high-quality defense relevant research.
DOE Laboratory Equipment Donation Program (LEDP) provides surplus and available used energy-related laboratory equipment to universities and colleges in the United States for use in energy oriented educational programs.
DOE Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is operated by and located on the campus of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. EMSL offers scientists access to instruments housed at the facility. Access is available at no cost but proposals must be submitted to request access.
Micromeritrics Instrument Corporation Instrument Grant Program intends to provide materials characterization instruments to non-profit universities and research organizations for the purpose of fostering and supporting meritorious research projects. Types of instrumentation that will qualify as Donated Equipment include particle size analyzers, gas adsorption analyzers, mercury porosimeters, gas pycnometers, and chemisorption instrumentation.
NSF National Facilities Program supports the operation of national user facilities: National Facilities are research facilities with specialized instrumentation available to the scientific research community in general and the materials research community in particular. These facilities provide unique research capabilities that can be located at only a few highly specialized laboratories in the Nation. They provide open user service for scientists and engineers from a broad range of disciplines including biology, chemistry, geosciences, materials research, and physics.
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) serves to increase access to shared scientific and engineering instruments for research and research training in our Nation’s institutions of higher education, not-for-profit museums, science centers and scientific/engineering research organizations. The program provides organizations with opportunities to acquire major instrumentation that supports the research and research training goals of the organization and that may be used by other researchers regionally or nationally.
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) solicits proposals twice per year for user-initiated nanoscience research that will make effective use of CNMS facilities and staff expertise. The CNMS nanoscience research program provides users with access to a broad range of capabilities for nanomaterials design, synthesis, characterization, and theory/modeling/simulation in order to carry out studies that will significantly advance our understanding of nanoscale phenomena and develop functional nanomaterials systems. Access is provided at no cost to users for research that is in the public domain and intended for publication in the open literature. Access is for a 12-month period.